Using your cellphone all wrong?

Just admit it, we are all on the phone or computer every day. Whether you’re uploading a picture to a social page, sending a text to a friend or typing away at a keyboard—you’re tapped into technology all the time. Prevent some long-term effects from these repetitive movements with our simple tips and tricks.
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Just what […]

Using your cellphone all wrong?2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

Most Asked Chiropractic Questions Answered

Chiropractic is on the rise!
It’s true—the number of patients across the globe who’ve reaped the benefits of chiropractic care is now the highest it’s ever been. Amazing, right? And while that means more and more people are finding relief and embracing the importance of spinal health, it also means curiosity is at an all-time high. Let’s […]

Most Asked Chiropractic Questions Answered2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

Why am I sore after an adjustment?

So, you started going to the chiropractor…awesome! These first few steps of your journey on the road to optimal health and wellness are crucial. But let’s say, maybe after a few adjustments where symptoms were initially improving, an old, possibly familiar soreness starts flaring up again. Or maybe even a forgotten injury has reappeared. What the […]

Why am I sore after an adjustment?2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

The Lumbar Spine aka the low back

Last but not least of the spine is the lumbar spine also known as the low back. Here’s the importance and the body parts that your lumbar spine affect.

The Importance of Your Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine is the lowest region of your spine! It’s comprised of five vertebrae (L1, L2, L3, L4 and […]

The Lumbar Spine aka the low back2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

Thoracic Thursday

Thoracic THURSDAY!! It’s Thursday so why not talk about the Thoracic spine?!?!
Your thoracic spine (mid-back) is the longest region of your spine, made of twelve different vertebrae that span from just below the base of the neck (cervical) to the stomach region (lumbar). This section of the spine plays a crucial role in overall […]

Thoracic Thursday2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

What is the Cervical Spine

We know more than anyone the importance of a healthy spine. Your spinal cord is a huge player in how you feel and function as a whole; there’s a reason why it’s one of the few organs in your body encased in armor.
And this armor, the spine, is made up of 33 individual vertebrae that […]

What is the Cervical Spine2021-08-24T21:40:59+00:00

Should You Talk to Your Friends and Family About Chiropractic?

Simple answer: absolutely! If you’re someone who’s benefiting from the effects of chiropractic care, the next step after improving and maintaining your own wellness is spreading the word! So many people don’t know how beneficial chiropractic can be for their whole body—and let’s face it, we all know someone who could use the extra help.
The Stats
An […]

Should You Talk to Your Friends and Family About Chiropractic?2021-08-24T21:41:00+00:00

How To Be Good At Sitting

Hey you, yeah, you, sit up straight.

Do an audit of your body and posture right now. Is your back straight? What about your legs and arms? How much physical space are you taking up at this moment?

Notice how the simple act of being aware of your posture makes you automatically correct it. You don’t usually think […]

How To Be Good At Sitting2021-08-24T21:41:00+00:00

Subluxation & Its Effects

A subluxation takes place when a vertebrae moves out of position and causes an irritation on spinal nerves. These nerves, which protrude from between the bones of the spine, then malfunction and cause interference with the signals they carry.

Vertebral subluxations can stem from physical, chemical, and emotional causes:

*Physical causes are related to physical aspects we deal […]

Subluxation & Its Effects2021-08-24T21:41:00+00:00

3 Reasons to Check your Child’s Posture

Poor posture in children has become an epidemic. While you may be familiar with the causes of poor posture – heavy backpacks and slouching over an iPhone or video game to name a few – the long term effects of poor posture can be devastating. If gone unchecked and untreated, poor posture that starts […]

3 Reasons to Check your Child’s Posture2021-08-24T21:41:01+00:00
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